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Virginia Luppino [email protected]
Virginia Luppino [email protected]
Saugerties Arbor Day Planting Honors Marie Post Hudson Valley One, April 16, 2018
A dogwood tree was planted at Saugerties’ Town offices on Arbor Day of 2018. The tree stands as a living memorial to Marie’s inspiring legacy of helping all in need, both two-legged and four-legged. Among her many accomplishments was the creation of the Town of Saugerties Animal Shelter and the establishment of the Animal Emergency Fund.
Village Asks for Help with Planting Shade Trees Saugerties Times 3/31/2014
An inventory of all the street trees in the village of Saugerties was initiated last year by the Saugerties Village Tree Commission, paid for by a grant written by commission chair Rosemarie Brackett. The survey, now complete, maps out each tree in the village with its location, species and condition. Many of the trees are in need of removal, damaged over the years by the weather or simply from aging. “Sometimes the tree wasn’t planted in an opportune location to begin with,” said Brackett. “But the philosophy of the Tree Commission is, ‘For every tree that comes down, at least one tree gets planted.”
Village and Homeowners Both Liable for Trees Saugerties Times 6/10/2013
One of the visual trademarks of a village or hamlet, and Saugerties is no exception, are their shade tree-lined streets. To visiting tourists, these tree-lined roads personify small-town life, but to local walkers they can mean twisted ankles, skinned knees or hands, because the stately old trees also mean heaved sidewalks that can trip up the unwary, or seniors who need level sidewalks for their daily constitutional.
For years, these old trees with their accompanying heaved bluestone sidewalks have pitted homeowners against village officials in the war over who is responsible for taking care of the trees and releveling the sidewalks when they heave...more
Seamon Park Ash trees treated to kill ash borer Saugerties Times 6/04/2013
It all began at a commercial campground on Rt. 32 several years ago when infested firewood was brought in from out of state by an unsuspecting camper. In the ensuing years, it has spread out over most of Ulster County and made the jump across the Hudson River into Dutchess County. And while there’s no cost-effective way to save most trees from the invasive emerald ash borer, many towns (and homeowners) are choosing to inoculate prized ash trees against the scourge of their wild cousins.
“This infestation is on par with Dutch elm disease and the chestnut blight,” said arborist Vern Rist as he administered a dose of pesticide to an ash tree at Seamon Park May 22...more
Woodstock Playhouse hosts "Antique Road Show" to benefit Saugerties Tree Commission (read article)
A dogwood tree was planted at Saugerties’ Town offices on Arbor Day of 2018. The tree stands as a living memorial to Marie’s inspiring legacy of helping all in need, both two-legged and four-legged. Among her many accomplishments was the creation of the Town of Saugerties Animal Shelter and the establishment of the Animal Emergency Fund.
Village Asks for Help with Planting Shade Trees Saugerties Times 3/31/2014
An inventory of all the street trees in the village of Saugerties was initiated last year by the Saugerties Village Tree Commission, paid for by a grant written by commission chair Rosemarie Brackett. The survey, now complete, maps out each tree in the village with its location, species and condition. Many of the trees are in need of removal, damaged over the years by the weather or simply from aging. “Sometimes the tree wasn’t planted in an opportune location to begin with,” said Brackett. “But the philosophy of the Tree Commission is, ‘For every tree that comes down, at least one tree gets planted.”
Village and Homeowners Both Liable for Trees Saugerties Times 6/10/2013
One of the visual trademarks of a village or hamlet, and Saugerties is no exception, are their shade tree-lined streets. To visiting tourists, these tree-lined roads personify small-town life, but to local walkers they can mean twisted ankles, skinned knees or hands, because the stately old trees also mean heaved sidewalks that can trip up the unwary, or seniors who need level sidewalks for their daily constitutional.
For years, these old trees with their accompanying heaved bluestone sidewalks have pitted homeowners against village officials in the war over who is responsible for taking care of the trees and releveling the sidewalks when they heave...more
Seamon Park Ash trees treated to kill ash borer Saugerties Times 6/04/2013
It all began at a commercial campground on Rt. 32 several years ago when infested firewood was brought in from out of state by an unsuspecting camper. In the ensuing years, it has spread out over most of Ulster County and made the jump across the Hudson River into Dutchess County. And while there’s no cost-effective way to save most trees from the invasive emerald ash borer, many towns (and homeowners) are choosing to inoculate prized ash trees against the scourge of their wild cousins.
“This infestation is on par with Dutch elm disease and the chestnut blight,” said arborist Vern Rist as he administered a dose of pesticide to an ash tree at Seamon Park May 22...more
Woodstock Playhouse hosts "Antique Road Show" to benefit Saugerties Tree Commission (read article)